I am often asked about the name Autumn Hope. Here is the story.
When I first started this ministry many years ago, I did not want to call it Steve Jones ministries. That’s a very common name and besides it’s not my ministry it’s His.
As I was sitting one day praying, I read a very familiar verse. In second Timothy chapter 4 Paul is closing his letter to Timothy and he makes this comment “do your utmost to come before winter”. That phrase has been the call for many missionaries over the years and although I had read it many times before, this time it stuck with me.
For two weeks, I went around asking God where he wanted me to go, I told him I would be more than willing to go but I needed to know where. About two weeks later, I was sitting in the same place and I read another verse that I had read many times but this time it struck me in a different way. It is Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 20 and it says “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. As I read this verse the spirit began to speak to me and he asked me a simple question, “I told you to come before winter, and summer is past so, where are you? After a moment’s thought I said Lord that would put me in Autumn. He said, “That is correct. You live in the Autumn of time but there is still hope in Jesus.”
That is the meaning of the name Autumn Hope. Our goal is to bring Hope in the Autumn of time. We believe the only true hope is found in Jesus. Any hope this world offers will let you down but Jesus will never let you down and the hope that he offers is for eternity.